Nid oes (A ddeil fy ysbryd dan bob croes)

(Gorchfygu trwy waed yr Oen)
      Nid oes,
A ddeil fy ysbryd dan bob croes,
Ond dwyfol haeddiant
        gwaed y groes,
  Estyniad f'oes yw ei fwynâu.
    'Does gysur arall mewn un man,
  Fe yw fy rhan, byth i barhâu.

      Mwy, mwy,
Yw buddugoliaeth dwyfol glwy',
A'i goncwest fawr a gyrhaedd trwy
  Galonnau fwy na gwlith y wawr,
    Yn nydd ei nerth
            yn llawn o'i hedd,
  Ac ar ei wedd yn dyrfa fawr.

      Mae, mae,
Rhyw hiraeth ynof yn parhâu,
Am wel'd yr amser hynny'n glau,
  Y pryd y mae fy Arglwydd rhad,
    I dderbyn ei ngoniant mawr,
  Gan nef a llawr,
          am roddi ei waed.

      O, 'n awr,
Addfwynaf Iesu tyr'd i lawr,
Helaetha dy frenhiniaeth fawr;
  Doed dedwydd awr, iachusol ddydd,
    I'r carcharorion fyn'd, trwy ras,
  O'r pydew cas heb ddw'r, yn rhydd.

      Yn awr,
Sancteiddiol Ysbryd tyr'd i lawr,
Disgleiria hyfryd fore wawr;
  Goleuni mawr, o entyrch nef,
    I wel'd yn glau, yn oleu clir,
  Yr hyfryd dir bwrcasodd ef.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805

Tôn [288.888]: Bethesda (<1829)

  Brydnawn (Ar y ddedwyddaf awr a gawn)
  Ei glôd (Sydd heb un terfyn iddo'n bôd)
  Nid Oes (Ni fu ni ddaw mewn unrhyw oes)
  O pwy (All chwilio dyfais dwyfol glwy')?
  Yn awr (Sancteiddiol Ysbryd tyr'd i lawr)
  Yn lle (Y dynion gwaethaf dan y ne')

(Overcoming through the blood of the Lamb)
      There is nothing,
That holds my spirit under every cross,
But the divine merit of the
        the blood of the cross,
  The extension of my live is to enjoy him.
    There is no other comfort in any place,
  He is my portion, forever to endure.

      Greater, greater,
Is the victory of a divine wound,
And his great conquest shall reach through
  Hearts more that the dew of the dawn,
    In the nest of his strength
            full of his peace,
    And in his image as a great throng.

      There is, is
Some longing in me enduring,
To see this time soon,
  The occasion when my gracious Lord,
    Receives his great glory,
  From heaven and earth,
          for giving his blood.

      O, now,
Dearest Jesus come down,
Spread thy great kingdom;
  May the happy hour, the saving day, come,
    For the prisoners to go, through grace,
  From the hated pit without water, free.

Holy Spirit, come down,
Radiate the delightful dawn of morn;
  A great light, from the vault of heaven,
    To see quickly, in clear light,
  The delightful land he purposed.
2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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